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It scared the hell out of me. I can distinctly remember my first trip to the movie theater in Evansville. We loaded up in my big, clunky blue van, and made our way to Showplace Cinemas. That first van we owned was awful. As a young man who prided himself on his bad ass trucks, I was now stuck in a blue Ford van! As we parked at the theater, I felt a tingle of excitement to check out a new film, and bond with my friends. But, I was nervous as to how people in the movie theater would react to the sounds of my ventilator much like a loud Darth Vader breathing during the quiet parts of the movie.

Would that bother people? Would I be an inconvenience? I told myself all would be okay. It was time to get out. I knew those young kids were judging me. I was outside my element, and I was, quite literally, paralyzed with anxiety. In that moment, I wanted to go home. The movie was lovely, a trip out with my friends was fun, but those daunting sets of eyeballs — and the following fear of insecurity as a person with disability — was blazed into my memory forever.

At that time in my life, I was insecure. I was once very insecure about my disability. And yes, that very much includes my disability. The Chicago U.

Hearing that news got me thinking about what happened at Wrigley Field the first and only time I ever went to a Cubs game with my Seeing Eye dog. I pointed to her harness, told him she was a Seeing Eye dog, and he sent me to a different gate. Turns out a week earlier someone had brought their untrained puppy to Wrigley, claiming the dog was a service dog. The dog misbehaved, fans sitting nearby complained, and after that, the people working the gates were told to scrutinize anyone coming in with a service dog.

She even guided us to our seats. We enjoyed the game. I did get in, I had a seat, my Seeing Eye dog could guide me in and out of the restrooms when I needed to go, I could reach the paper towel dispenser after washing my hands there, and the cashiers could see me when I walked up to the counter to order food.

For people with physical disabilities — those using wheelchairs, scooters or crutches, for example — the fixes are not that easy.

His father, David Alberto Cerda, is also his attorney. We are happy to introduce a guest blogger today — Grace W. Grace is an advocate and a wri…. Grace is an advocate and a writer. Through her writing, Grace places a spotlight on various disability issues and perspectives as a person with cerebral palsy. The 32nd anniversary of The Americans with Disabilities Act takes place on the 26th of this month.

While this was a defining moment for the community, equality for disabled people in the United States still has a long way to go. Physical access to restaurants, stores, and schools is excellent. This meant that I could go to sporting events and other activities at school as well.

However, physical accessibility is only one aspect of equality. Ableism and related attitudes hold us back more than you may think. Too often, when employers find out that I have Cerebral Palsy, they are no longer interested in hiring me. Such discrimination is illegal according to the ADA, yet it still happens. Employers need to embrace having those with disabilities as a part of their workplaces. Ableism is the real reason why I am unemployed right now.

Hiring people with disabilities makes sense from a business perspective as well. We are creative thinkers and excellent problem solvers because living with a disability often requires ingenuity. In addition, employees with disabilities are dedicated to their jobs. They routinely outperform their non-disabled peers in terms of the number of missed workdays, daily punctuality or adherence to a regular work schedule, and retention in their current positions.

Those with disabilities are also eager to work. According to research, having persons with disabilities in the workplace boosts staff morale, strengthens teamwork, and improves the quality and efficiency of other employees. Hiring people with disabilities also makes financial sense. The organizations that have committed to changing their diversity policies to be more inclusive in recruiting, hiring, and retaining individuals with disabilities have experienced a positive impact on their bottom line, enhancing productivity, customer loyalty, and profitability.

A diverse, inclusive workplace is seen favorably by others. Customers care about your business practices since they have a direct impact on their decision to buy. The vast majority of customers have higher opinions of businesses that employ a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workforce, including persons with disabilities on their teams and in their branding and marketing initiatives.

Americans with disabilities are also left behind in other ways. In recent years, America has come a long way in the fight for marriage equality. The Supreme Court determined in that same-sex marriage is a constitutional right in the United States. This was unquestionably a huge step forward in terms of marriage equality. However, many disabled people who rely on programs like Medicaid and Supplemental Security Income SSI are still unable to marry without having their benefits reduced or taken away entirely.

While the Americans with Disabilities Act was a landmark piece of legislation, we still have so much work to do in the fight for true equality for disabled people in America. Our Autism Services Easter Seals programs across the country provide a wide variety of interventions that help individuals of all abilities, including those with Autism Spectrum Disorder ASD.

Take a Step in Making a Difference in Your Community Join hundreds of passionate people in your community for a day full of entertainment, fun and, of course, our signature walk! Zip Code Distance Distance 50 miles 75 miles miles miles miles.

Enter Search Text Search Submit. Monday, August 8, , PM. Monday, August 8, , PM A couple of weeks ago, someone published a tweet making fun of Vice President Kamala Harris for intr… A couple of weeks ago, someone published a tweet making fun of Vice President Kamala Harris for introducing herself at a Disability Committee meeting by stating her pronouns and describing what she was wearing.

I was paralyzed. Look away. My Disability Pride story starts with a simple trip to the movie theater, how about yours? Breakfast - 2nd floor hall. Coffee break 2nd floor hallway. Coffee break and posters 2nd floor hallway, Ballroom B. Ballroom A Slack Discussion Live stream. LDBC B. Sponsors 3 A. This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion including after the talk!

Enhancing data quality and process optimization for smart manufacturing lines in industry 4. Opportunities and risks for engaging research participants with with self-logged menstrual health data at scale. Jagadish University of Michigan. Support for remote questions and discussion including after the talk! Miklos Ajtai, Vladimir Braverman, T. Woodruff and Samson Zhou.

Hung Ngo Relational. Pankaj K. Remote student meetup 1: Remote student meetup 1 Location: Online. This session is held in Penn's Gather. Remote student meetup 2: Remote student meetup 2 Location: Online. Barrie Kersbergen bol. Location: B, Chaired by Magdalena Balazinska. Organized by Magdalena Balazinska. Ahmed Dellas Rutgers University. Wenfei Fan Univ. Remote student meetup 3: Remote student meetup 3 Location: Online. Tastes Great!



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